Saturday, 4 June 2016

Important Long Computer science part 1

computer science
Important Long Question
1. Explain different type of non-impact printer.
2. Discuss different6 type of network models.
3. Explain Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle.
4. How we protect our computer system from virus. Types of virus & Also explain causes of virus
5. What is transmission mode? Explain its types.
6. Discuss different function of operating system.
7. What is data communication? Explain the basic components of communication network.
8. Discuss any three pointing devices.
9. Describe OSI Model? And type of OSI layers.
10. What is topology? Discuss the type of topology.
11. Difference b/w RAM and ROM. Type of RAM & ROM.
12. What is guided media? Briefly describe the guided media.
13. Discuss different security threats to data security. What are the solution of these threats?
14. Define software. Discuss different type of software.
15. Define CPU explain its parts.
16. Explain different type of display screen.
17. What do you understand by “SDLC”? Discuss its steps properly.
18. What do you know about email?

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