Saturday, 4 June 2016

100 important short question computer science part 1

computer short question
1. What is information technology? 2. What is data, information, software, hardware? 3. Difference b/w application and system software and their types? 4. What is input and input device? 5. What is output and output device? 6. What is function key? 7. What is pointing Device name, name any four? 8. What is joy stick? 9. Difference b/w MICR, OCR and OMR? 10. What is Resolution? 11. What is pixel? 12. What are Arrow keys? 13. Difference b/w VGA, XGA, SVGA. 14. What is CRT? 15. Difference b/w LCD and LED. 16. What do you know about page orientation? 17. What is Plotter? 18. Difference b/w flatbed and drum plotter. 19. Difference b/w bit & byte. 20. Conversion of GB, MB, KB, BYTE, BIT? 21. What is Preliminary investigation? 22. What is Feasibility study? 23. What is CBT? 24. What is E-commerce? 25. What is Operating system? 26. What is E-mail? 27. What is OP-code? 28. What is FTP, TCP/IP? 29. Difference b/w Intranet & Extranet. 30. Difference b/w Downloading and Uploading? 31. What is gateway? 32. What is Router? 33. Difference b/w LAN & WAN. 34. Client Server & peer to peer Model. 35. Difference b/w De facto & De jure Standards. 36. Difference b/w Encoder &Decoder. 37. What is data Communication? 38. Define Signals? Difference b/w analog and digital signal. 39. Difference b/w frequency and amplitude. 40. Difference b/w ASCII & Unicode. 41. Difference b/w Simplex, full duplex, half duplex. 42. Difference b/w asynchronous & synchronous transmission. 43. Difference b/w baseband & broadband. 44. What is Fiber optic cable? 45. What is modem? & Difference b/w internal, external, wireless modem 46. Role of computer in Business, Medical. 47. What is robot? 48. How computer use in office automation. 49. Difference b/w CU & ALU. 50. Difference b/w series and parallel transmission. 51. Difference b/w RAM & ROM. 52. What is ATM? 53. What is CAD, CAM? 54. Difference b/w DRAM & SRAM. 55. Define I/O unit. 56. What is cache memory? 57. What is Fetch, Decode, Execute cycle? 58. Difference b/w Compiler and Interpreter. 59. What is Assembler? 60. Define source code & object code. 61. Difference b/w high level language & low level language. 62. Define command line/prompt. 63. Define security. 64. What is virus? How we remove virus. 65. What is antivirus? 66. What is Boot Sector virus & write some causes of virus? 67. What is GUI operating system? 68. What is Plug & Play? 69. Define Disk Management or Disk Management Utility. 70. Define File Management. 71. Define window explorer. 72. What is print queue? 73. What is word processor? 74. Define Header and Footer in MS Word. 75. What is thesaurus? 76. Define Macros. 77. What is Undo & Redo? 78. What is spread Sheet software? 79. Define Formula bar. 80. Difference b/w relative and absolute referencing. 81. Define Function. 82. What is sheet in MS Excel? 83. ARPA Stands for??? 84. What is Internet? 85. What is IP Addressing? 86. Define DNS Addressing. 87. Define web browser? 88. What is WWW (World Wide Web)? 89. What is URL (uniform resource locater)? 90. Define Search Engine. 91. Write part of Email Address. 92. What is HTTP, HTML? 93. Difference b/w Multitasking & Multiprocessing. 94. What is password? 95. Name some famous antivirus and explain briefly. 96. How viruses may damage computer system? 97. Describe Bus and its types. 98. Define the general-purpose registers. 99. Explain the architecture of computer system. 100. Difference b/w Address bus and control bus. 101. Difference b/w serial and parallel ports. 102. Difference b/w linker and loader. 103. What is meant by computer simulation? 104. What is topology? Its types. 105. What is DSL, ISP? 106. Difference b/w guided and unguided media.107.define barcode and barcode reader. 108. Importance of backup. 109. Define DMA. 110. RAM called volatile memory, Justify. 111. Use of clipboard. 112. 4 Different function of MS Excel. 113. Define video conferencing. 114. How we create web pages. 115. Define ARC NET. 116. Define Magnetic strip card. 117. Use of recycle Bin. 118. What is Bus interconnection? 119. Define stack. 120. Write 4 search engine.

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