Saturday 4 June 2016

Chemistry Paper leaked 2016

Inter part 1 Chemistry. Guess
Long Q
Ch 1 Example 3,5,10,12,13,14
Ch 4
Measurement vapour pressure manometric method.hydrogen bonding,Structure NACL,Properties metallic solids.
Ch 3
General gas equation,daltons law partial pressure,postulates kinetic molecular energy,
Ch 5
Millikan oil drop methpd,wave particle nature matte.bohr atomic number,X-rays atomic number,quantum num,
Ch 6
Vseper theory,hydridization.molecular orbiters theory Magnetic N2 &o2. Ionization energy
Ch 7
Prove that i) H=qp, bomb calorimeter.born haber cycle
Ch 9
Raoult law,Measurement elevation boiling point by landsberger method,freezing point depression beckmann method,solubility curve
Ch 10
Oxidation no method
HI+h2so4--i2+so2+, h2o
Lead accumulator.electrochemical series
Ch 8
Example 4,5,6 ex q,no 22,24, 25
Ch 11
Order reaction with example,method finding Order reaction,catalysis types

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