Monday 25 July 2016

FSc ICS Notes Entry Test Exam Solution MCAT ECAT Physics First Year Chapter 11 Heat and Thermodynamics

Both Bold and Underlined option is correct

1. The centigrade and Fahrenheit scales will have the same reading when the temperature is:
  • 70
  • -80
  • -40
  • 120

2. The Fahrenheit and kelvin scale will have the same reading when the temperature is:
  • 370
  • 574.25
  • 414.5
  • 388

3. Fahrenheit scale was originally used in:
  • Meteorology
  • Clinical thermometer
  • Clinical thermometer and meteorology
  • None of these

4. A gas which strictly obeys the gas laws under all conditions of temperature and pressure is called:
  • Real gas
  • Ideal gas
  • Inert gas
  • None of these

5. The motion of molecules in gases is:
  • Orderly
  • Random
  • Circular
  • All of these

6. At constant temperature, if the density of the gas is increased, its pressure will:
  • Decrease
  • Increase
  • Remains unchanged
  • None of these

7. If a molecule will momentum mv strikes a wall and rebound then the change in momentum will be:
  • -2mv
  • Zero
  • 2mv
  • mv

8. Given that P=10(4) N/m2, area of the piston = 0.1 m(2) and distance moved by the piston = 10(-1) cm, then the work done by the gas is:
  • 1J
  • 10(5)J
  • 10(4)J
  • 10J

9. If Cv denotes molar specific heat at constant volume and ?T is the change in the temperature, then CvT gives:
  • Volume
  • Pressure
  • Energy
  • Entropy

10. If temperature of the sink is decreased, efficiency of a Carnot engine:
  • Remains constant
  • Decreases
  • Increases
  • None of these

11. One degree of thermodynamic scale is equal to ________ of the temperature triple point of water.
  • 1/273 th
  • 1/100 th
  • 1/273.16 th
  • 1/32 th

12. The unknown temperature T on thermodynamic scale in kelvin is given by the formula:
  • T = 273.16Q/Q3
  • T = 32Q/Q3
  • T = 100Q/Q3
  • T = 273Q/Q3

13. A certain engine converts 20% of available heat into work. Then its efficiency will be:
  • 20%
  • 80%
  • 50%
  • None of these

14. Number of spark plugs needed in diesel engine is:
  • Four
  • Five
  • Six
  • None of these

15. Most motorbikes have ________ cylinder/s engine but cars usually have cylinders on the same crankshaft.
  • Four, six
  • One, four
  • Two, five
  • None of these

16. A constant volume gas thermometer works on:
  • Archimedes principle
  • Pascal's law
  • Boyle's law
  • Charles law

17. The ratio of coefficients of cubical expansion and linear expansion is:
  • 1:1
  • 3:1
  • 2:1
  • None of these

18. When a copper ball is heated, the largest percentage in crease will occur in its:
  • Diameter
  • Area
  • Volume
  • Density

19. Sea animals are safe in winter in cold countries because of:
  • Their body conditions
  • High specific heat of water
  • Low conductivity of water
  • Anomalous expansion of water

20. The volume expansion coefficient is:
  • Equal to temperature
  • Proportional to square root of temperature
  • Inversely proportional to square root of temperature
  • Inversely proportional to temperature

21. Heat is transferred most rapidly by the process of:
  • Conduction
  • Convection
  • Radiation
  • Combustion

22. When water is heated from 0 degree to 10 degree Celsius, its volume:
  • Increases
  • Decreases
  • Does not change
  • Data is insufficient

23. First law of thermodynamic concerns conservation of:
  • Heat
  • Work
  • Momentum
  • Energy

24. When 110J of heat is added to a gaseous system, internal energy increases by 40J; the amount of work done is:
  • 150J
  • 70J
  • 110J
  • 40J

25. Molar specific heat at constant volume Cv for a mono-atomic gas is:
  • 3/2 R
  • 5/2 R
  • 6/2 R
  • 4/2 R

26. A sink, that is a system where heat is rejected, is essential for the conservation of heat into work. From which law the above inference follows?
  • Zeroth
  • First
  • Second
  • Third

27. The first operation involved in a Carnot cycle is:
  • Isothermal expansion
  • Adiabatic expansion
  • Isothermal compression
  • Adiabatic compression

28. An ideal heat engine exhausting heat at 77 degree Celsius is to have a 30% efficiency. It must take heat at:
  • 127 degree Celsius
  • 227 degree Celsius
  • 327 degree Celsius
  • 673 degree Celsius

29. The work done in an adiabatic change in a particular gas depends upon only:
  • Change in volume
  • Change in pressure
  • Change in temperature
  • None of these

30. The gas law Constant = PV/T is true for:
  • Isothermal changes only
  • Adiabatic changes only
  • Both isothermal and adiabatic changes
  • Neither for isothermal nor for adiabatic changes

31. The physical quantity which described the level of thermal energy in a body is:
  • Temperature
  • Heat energy
  • Pressure
  • Volume

32. The pressure exerted by the gas is directly proportional to:
  • Velocity of the molecule
  • Density of the gas
  • Square of the density
  • Square root of the density

33. For an ideal gas system, the internal energy is directly proportional to:
  • Pressure
  • Volume
  • Density
  • Temperature

34. The change in internal energy of the system is positive, when the temperature of the system:
  • Increases
  • Decreases
  • Remains constant
  • None of the above

35. Water boils at 100 degree Celsius, the corresponding temperature at Fahrenheit scale is:
  • 180 Fahrenheit
  • 200 Fahrenheit
  • 212 Fahrenheit
  • 273 Fahrenheit

36. A Celsius degree is larger than a Fahrenheit degree by:
  • 5/9
  • 9/5
  • 9/10
  • 9/8

37. Absolute zero is considered as that temperature at which:
  • All liquids become gases
  • All gases become liquids
  • Water freezes
  • All gases partially liquefied

38. At constant volume, the graph between P and T is:
  • Hyperbola
  • Parabola
  • Straight line
  • Ellipse

39. At constant temperature, if the pressure of the given mass of the gas is doubled, then the density of the gas becomes:
  • Double
  • 1/4 of the original value
  • 1/2 of the original value
  • Remains constant

40. An inflated tire suddenly bursts. As a result of this, the temperature of air:
  • Increases
  • Decreases
  • May increase or decrease
  • Remains constant

41. When the gas expands isothermally, the work is:
  • Done on the gas
  • Done by the gas
  • Zero
  • Negative

42. The SI unit of molar specific heat is:
  • Jmol/K
  • J/molK
  • JK/mol
  • J/mol

43. The coefficient of linear expansion of platinum is 9*10(-6) per Coulomb. Its coefficient of volume expansion is:
  • 3*10(-6) per Coulomb
  • 9*10(-6) per Coulomb
  • 18*10(-6) per Coulomb
  • 27*10(-6) per Coulomb

44. The SI unit of entropy is:
  • J/K
  • J/s
  • Js/K
  • J/K(2)

45. The natural process tends to proceed towards a state of greater:
  • Order
  • Disorder
  • Both order and disorder
  • Neither order nor disorder

46. Which of the following is not the function of state?
  • Internal energy
  • Entropy
  • Enthalpy
  • Mass

47. Entropy of universe during any natural process:
  • Increases
  • Increases or remains constant
  • Decreases
  • Decreases or remains constant

48. When a sphere is heated, then the greatest increase is in its:
  • Radius
  • Circumference
  • Surface area
  • Volume

49. Net change in entropy of a system in a Carnot's cycle is:
  • Positive
  • Negative
  • Maximum
  • Zero

50. Area under the p-v graph of Carnot engine represents the:
  • Heat absorbed
  • Heat rejected
  • Total work done
  • All of the above

51. Temperature of gas is a measure of:
  • the average translational kinetic energy of the gas molecule
  • the average potential energy of the gas molecules
  • the average distance of the gas molecules
  • the size of the gas molecules

52. A thermometric liquid which can be used to measure temperature between -40 degree Celsius to 40 degree Celsius is:
  • Water
  • Alcohol
  • Mercury
  • Phenol

53. The temperature at which the reading of a Fahrenheit thermometer will be double that of Centigrade thermometer is:
  • 160 degree Celsius
  • 180 degree Celsius
  • 32 degree Celsius
  • 100 degree Celsius

54. For measuring temperature near absolute zero, the thermometer used is:
  • Thermoelectric thermometer
  • Radiation thermometer
  • Magnetic thermometer
  • Resistance thermometer

55. The absolute zero is the temperature at which:
  • Water freezes
  • All substances exist in solid state
  • Molecular motion ceases
  • None of the above

56. Absolute zero (0K) is that temperature at which:
  • Matter ceases to exist
  • Ice melts and water freezes
  • Molecular motion ceases
  • None of the above

57. The temperature on Celsius scale is 25 degree Celsius. What is the corresponding temperature on the Fahrenheit scale?
  • 40 F
  • 77 F
  • 50 F
  • 45 F

58. The root mean square speed of the molecules of different ideal gases, maintained at the same temperature are:
  • Same
  • Different
  • Zero
  • Infinity

59. 'P' is pressure and 'd' is the density of the gas at constant temperature, then:
  • P 1/d
  • P 1/d(2)
  • P d
  • P d(2)

60. The number of molecules per cc of a gas at S.T.P. is:
  • 2.68*10(17)
  • 2.68*10(19)
  • 22400*6*10(23)
  • 6*10(23)

61. In winter, the temperature of the inside wall of a room as compared to the temperature of air in the room is:
  • Lower
  • Higher
  • Same
  • May be lower or higher depending upon atmospheric pressure

62. Pressure of a gas can be written as:
  • 1/3 ρV
  • 1/3 V(2)
  • 1/3 ρV(2)
  • 1/3 ρ(2)V

63. One Kelvin is defined as:
  • 1/100 of boiling point of water
  • 1/273.16 of melting of ice
  • 1/273.16 of boiling point of water
  • 1/273.16 of temperature of triple point of water

64. The value of Boltzmann's constant is:
  • 1.38*10(-23)J/K
  • 1.38*10(23)J/K
  • 1.38*10(-23)J/mole-K
  • 1.38*10(-23)J/K mole-K

65. For a gas obeying Boyle's law if the pressure is doubled, the volume becomes:
  • Double
  • One half
  • Three fold
  • Remains the same

66. If coefficient of linear expansion of a solid is a, its coefficient of cubical expansion will be approximately:
  • 2a
  • 3a
  • 2.5a
  • 4a

67. The SI units of specific heat are:
  • K cal / kg K
  • Cal / gram C
  • K cal / kg C
  • J / kg K

68. In an adiabatic process:
  • Q = U + W
  • Q = U
  • Q = W
  • Q = 0

69. A system does 600 J of work and at the same time its internal energy increased by 320J. How much heat has  bee supplied?
  • 280J
  • 920J
  • 600J
  • 20J

70. No entropy change takes place in:
  • Isothermal process
  • Adiabatic process
  • Isobaric process
  • Isochoric process

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