Monday 25 July 2016

FSc ICS MCAT ECAT Physics First Year Chapter 1 Measurements Multiple Choice Question(MCQ) Notes

Both Bold and Underlined option is correct
1. The branch of physics "wave mechanic"introduced by:
  • Einstein
  • Max Plank
  • De-broglie
  • Bohr

2. Physicists started believing that every thing about physics has been discovered by the end of:
  • 20 th century
  • 19 th century
  • 15 th century
  • None of these

3. Pascal is famous for his work:
  • Hydrostatics
  • Hydrodynamics
  • Laws of gases
  • Behaviour of elastic bodies

4. Systems international (SI) was established in:
  • 1960
  • 1967
  • 1971
  • 1930

5. The basic quantity among following is:
  • Torque
  • Force
  • Mass
  • Velocity

6. Which one of the scientist made some contribution to geometrical optics:
  • Archimedes
  • Pythagoras
  • Euclid
  • Plato

7. Which of the following is the derived quantity:
  • Time
  • Area
  • Length
  • Mass

8. Which of the following is set of supplementary units:
  • Radian & kilogram
  • Steradian & time
  • Mole & radian
  • Radian & steradian

9. The SI unit for measuring plane angle is:
  • Radian
  • Steradian
  • Both first and second
  • None of these

10. The present standard meter is defined as:
  • The distance between  two points on an alloy bar
  • The length of mean solar day
  • The length equal to 1650763.73 wavelength of krypton 86-atom
  • The distance travel by the light in vacuum during a time of 1/299792458 second

11. The system international (SI) built up from:
  • Derived units
  • Basic units
  • Supplementary units
  • All of these

12. One mile is equal to:
  • 1.625 km
  • 1.609 km
  • 1.325 km
  • 1.850 km

13. One inch is equal to:
  • 1.32 cm
  • 25.4 cm
  • 2.10 cm
  • 2.54 cm

14. One foot is equal to:
  • 31.90 cm
  • 30.84 cm
  • 30.48 cm
  • 84.30 cm

15. Number of nano second in a year is:
  • 3.1536 * 10(7)
  • 3.1536 * 10(9)
  • 3.1536 * 10(16)
  • None of these

16. One year is equal to:
  • 3.2 * 10(7) sec
  • 2.25 * 10(7) sec
  • 3.35 * 10(7) sec
  • All of these

17. Light year is the unit of:
  • Light
  • Time
  • Velocity
  • Distance

18. The unit of thermodynamic temperature is:
  • K
  • C
  • F
  • None of these

19. One atto is:
  • 10(-20)
  • 10(-16)
  • 10(-14)
  • 10(-18)

20. One femto is:
  • 10(-16)
  • 10(-12)
  • 10(-15)
  • 10(-9)

21. The number of significant figure in 8.80 * 10(6) kg is:
  • 1
  • 5
  • 3
  • 6

22. The number 64.350 is rounded off as:
  • 64.35
  • 64.46
  • 64.36
  • 64.4

23. In scientific notation, the number 0.01 may be written as:
  • 10(-2)
  • 10(-4)
  • 10 * 10(-4)
  • 1 * 10(-4)

24. If length = 0.233 m and width = 0.178 m, the most accurate area expressed space of significant figures is:
  • 0.041 m(2)
  • 0.0415 m(2)
  • 0.041747 m(2)
  • None of these

25. The number 0.0001 in scientific notation is:
  • 1 * 10(4)
  • 10(-3)
  • 10 * 10(4)
  • 10(-4)

26. One mega is equal to:
  • 10(6)
  • 10(-6)
  • 10(3)
  • 10(9)

27. The error in a certain measurement occurs due to:
  • Negligence of a person
  • Inappropriate technique
  • Faulty apparatus
  • All of the above

28. The uncertainty may occur due to:
  • Limitation of an instrument
  • Natural variance of the object
  • Personal negligence
  • All of the above

29. The least count of a unit meter rod is:
  • 0.01 cm
  • 0.01 mm
  • Cannot be zero
  • Can be zero

30. The number of base units in SI are:
  • Four
  • Five
  • Six
  • Seven

31. Deca, deci and mega, respectively mean:
  • 10(1), 10(-1), 10(6)
  • 10(6), 10(-1), 10(1)
  • 10(6), 10(1), 10(-1)
  • 10(1), 10(6), 10(-1)

32. 134.7 should be written in scientific notation as:
  • 134.7
  • 13.45 * 10(1)
  • 1.347 * 10(2)
  • 0.1347 * 10(3)

33. Pico, kilo and terra mean:
  • 10(-12), 10(-3), 10(-18)
  • 10(18), 10(3), 10(-12)
  • 10(-12), 10(3), 10(12)
  • 10(18), 10(-12), 10(3)

34. The average time the Earth takes to make exactly one rotation about its axis is defined as:
  • A solar hour
  • A solar day
  • A light year
  • A solar month

35. The distance x determined by the difference between two separate position measurements x1 = 10.5 +-(0.1) cm and x2 26.8 +-(0.1) cm. Then x will be recorded as:
  • 16.3 cm
  • 16.3 +-(0.1) cm
  • 16.3 +-(0.2) cm
  • 16.3 +-(0.01) cm

36. The length of a line was measured with a meter scale of least count = 1 mm by four students. The correct reading will be:
  • 0.5426 m
  • 0.542 m
  • 0.54 m
  • 0.5 m

37. Name the scientist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1936 for the discovery of the positron:
  • Chadwick
  • Femi
  • Anderson
  • Einstein

38. The density of mercury is 13600 kg/m(3). Its value in CGS system will be:
  • 13.6 g/cm(3)
  • 1360 g/cm(3)
  • 136 g/cm(3)
  • 1.36 g/cm(3)

39. The unit of force and length are doubled, the unit of energy will be:
  • 1/2 times
  • 1/3 times
  • 2 times
  • 4 times

40. The dimensional formula [ML(0)T(-3)] is more closely associated with:
  • Power
  • Energy
  • Intensity
  • Velocity gradient

41. Which dimensions will be the same as that of time?
  • LC
  • R / L
  • L / R
  • C / L

42. Angular momentum has the same dimensions as:
  • Plank's constant
  • Universal gravitational constant
  • Rydberg constant
  • Boltzmann constant

43. Which of the two have same dimensions?
  • Force and strain
  • Force and stress
  • Angular velocity and frequency
  • Energy and strain

44. A student measured the diameter of a wire using a screw gauge with least count 0.001 cm and listed the measurements. The correct measurement is:
  • 5.320 cm
  • 5.3 cm
  • 5.32 cm
  • 5.3200 cm

45. Zero error belongs to the category of:
  • Constant errors
  • Personal errors
  • Instrumental errors
  • Accidental errors

46. Which one is the least sub-multiple?
  • pico
  • femto
  • atto
  • nano

47. In which system, the unit of force is a base unit:
  • SI system
  • CGS system
  • British engineering system
  • MKS system

48. Which of the following cannot be expressed as Nm(-2):
  • Pressure
  • Stress
  • Surface tension
  • Bulk modulus of elasticity

49. Which of the following units is used to measure the radius of nucleus?
  • Micron
  • Nanometer
  • Angstrom
  • Femtometer

50. Which of the following is not equal to watt?
  • Joule / second
  • Ampere * Volt
  • Ampere(2) * ohm
  • Ampere / volt

51. Temperature can be expressed as a derived quantity in terms of any of the following:
  • Length and mass
  • Mass and time
  • Length, mass and time
  • In terms of none of these

52. erg/m can be the unit of the measure of:
  • Force
  • Momentum
  • Power
  • Acceleration

53. IF the radius of the Earth shrinks by 1.5% (mass remaining same) then the value of acceleration due to gravity changes by:
  • 1%
  • 2%
  • 3%
  • 4%

54. Which of the following readings taken by microscope of least count 0.001 cm is correct?
  • 3.28
  • 3.00
  • 3.000
  • 0.02345

55. Which of the following is not a base unit in SI system:
  • Temperature
  • Amount of substance
  • Light intensity
  • Area

56. The minimum number of physical quantities which define other physical quantities is SI system are:
  • Two
  • Three
  • Five
  • Seven

57. Which of the following is not a unit of time:
  • Leap year
  • Light year
  • Lunar month
  • Micro second

58. Three dimensional angel subtended at the center of the sphere by an area of its surface equal to the square of radius of the sphere is called:
  • Radian
  • Steradian
  • Degree
  • All of the above

59. The ratio of 1 nanometer to 1 attometer is equal to:
  • 1 peta
  • 1 tera
  • 1 giga
  • 1 mega

60. A precise measurement is the one which has:
  • Less absolute uncertainty
  • Less percentage uncertainty
  • Large fractional uncertainty
  • Large absolute uncertainty

61. The accuracy of measurement depends on:
  • Absolute uncertainty
  • Percentage uncertainty
  • Quality of the instrument
  • Calibration of the scale

62. Number of significant figure with increasing degree of approximation:
  • Decreases
  • Increases
  • Remains unchanged
  • None of the above

63. Solid angle subtended at the center by a sphere is:
  • 2 π
  • 4 π
  • 6 π
  • 8 π

64. A second pendulum strikes in a day:
  • 3600 times
  • 86400 times
  • 43200 times
  • 0.003 sec

65. The density of wood is 0.5g/cm(3) in CGS system of units. The corresponding value in SI units is:
  • 500 kg/m(3)
  • 5 kg/m(3)
  • 0.5 kg/m(3)
  • 5000 kg/m(3)

66. Physical quantity is/are:
  • Time
  • Density
  • Temperature
  • All

67. The error is constant for _______ error.
  • Random
  • Systematic
  • Both first and second
  • All

68. For 2450 number of significant digits:
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

69. Which of the following could be measured in the same units as force?
  • Energy / Distance
  • Energy * Distance
  • Energy / Time
  • Momentum * Distance

70. What is the ratio 1 micrometer / 1 Giga meter
  • 10(-3)
  • 10(-6)
  • 10(-12)
  • 10(-15)

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