Saturday, 14 May 2016

Important Short Questions of Banking for I Com Part II

Classify bill of exchange according to object.
Define accommodation bill of exchange
Define agricultural development bank of Pakistan.
Define agricultural development bank.
Define any two types of bank customers
Define balance sheet of a bank.
Define ball of lading.
Define bank draft.
Define bank.
Define banker.
Define bill of exchange.
Define bill of lading.
Define central bank.
Define cheque
Define cheque book.
Define cheque endorsement.
Define circular note.
Define clearing house.
Define commercial bank.
Define commercial letter of credit.
Define cooperative bank
Define credit creation of a bank.
Define credit instruments.
Define crossing of a cheque.
Define current account.
Define debit card?
Define fixed deposit account.
Define foreign currency account.
Define foreign exchange rate.
Define general or blank endorsement.
Define goldsmith.
Define I.O.U
Define importer and exporter.
Define inflation.
Define inland bill of exchange.
Define interbank exchange rate.
Define letter of credit.
Define letters of guarantee.
Define loan.
Define memorandum of the bank.
Define minor customer of bank.
Define monetary
Define money.
Define mortgage.
Define negotiable-instruments of credit.
Define overdraft
Define pass book.
Define pay-in-slip.
Define phone banking.
Define postal order.
Define promissory note.
Define prospectus of a bank
Define prospectus.
Define purchase and sale of securities.
Define renewed bill of exchange.
Define retirement of a bill of exchange.
Define saving bank.
Define scheduled bank.
Define secured and non-secured loans.
Define security.
Define the term lien?
Define the term pledge.
Define traveler’s letter of credit.
Describe briefly the memorandum of association.
Describe four advantages of letter of credit,
Describe the function of near money in money market.
Enlist four duties of bank customer.
Enlist the name of the important types of cheque.
Enlist two points of difference between cheque and bill of exchange.
Explain hire purchase financing.
Explain the concept of RIBA.
Explain the way to be a customer of a bank for non-trading concern.
Give any four advantages of clearing house
How does a bank use its found?
How the use of cheque can be increased?
How the word was bankrupt derived?
List any four essential elements of cheque.
List down four benefits of scheduled bank
List down the contents of a cheque book
List down the names of any three foreign banks
Mention any two main methods of making foreign payments.
Name any two devices of quantitative methods for credit control.
State kinds of bills of exchange on the basis of place
What advantages are available to an account holder for opening account?
What are agent and principal?
What are purposes of using credit card?
What are the four causes of opening bank account?
What are the kinds of credit instruments?
What are the objectives of exchange control?
What are the parties involved in letter of credit?
What are the parties of bank draft?
What are the principles of note issue of a central bank?
What are the products of e-banking?
What are the qualitative methods of monetary policy?
What are the reasons of termination of relationship by bank with customer?
What are the three facilities available in on line banking system?
What are un-negotiable credit instruments?
What do you know about monetary policy?
What do you mean by clearing house?
What facilities can be obtained from on line banking?
What is A.T.M card?
What is an order cheque?
What is bank rate policy?
What is credit instrument and write kinds of credit instrument?
What is dock warrant?
What is meant by a credit card?
What is meant by credit instruments?
What is meant by diversification of loans?
What is meant by foreign currency account?
What is meant by foreign exchange control?
What is meant by foreign exchange?
What is meant by joint customer?
What is meant by loan?
What is meant by marketable securities?
What is meant by nationalization of banks?
What is meant by open market operation a measure of monetary policy?
What is meant by pledge?
What is meant by proportional reserve system for note issue?
What is meant by saving account?
What is meant by saving bank?
What is meant by special crossing?
What is meant by spot exchange rate?
What is meant by term credit?
What is meant by trustee?
What is mental?
What is order cheque?
What is qarz-e-hasna?
What points should a bank take into consideration while opening an account?
What precautions should be considered by bank at the time of advancing loans?
What type of people current account is suitable?
When state bank of Pakistan was established?
When the exchange rate is favorable for a country?
When, where and which the first central bank of the world was established?
Which documents are issued by bank while opening a bank account to customer?
Who are the promoters?
Who is the drawee of a cheque?
Write a note on credit creation.
Write a short note on agriculture bank
Write a short note on creation of credit
Write a short note on the evolution of banking with reference to the merchants.
Write about pay in slip
Write about the proportional system of currency note-issuing of the central bank
Write advantages of clearing house.
Write any four characteristics of promissory note
Write any four limitations of credit creation.
Write any four points of the, prospectus of bank.
Write any four steps to open a bank account.
Write any four utility services performed by commercial bank.
Write any two types of bank customers.
Write briefly about the general crossing of a cheque
Write down any four causes for dishonoring of a cheque.
Write down any four characteristics of the fixed account.
Write down any four objectives of exchange control.
Write down four kinds of letter of credit.
Write down four types of business letter of credit.
Write down kinds of acceptance of bills of exchange.
Write down the main methods of note issue.
Write down the methods for the formation of a bank.
Write down the objectives of the establishment of agricultural development bank
Write down the parties of promissory note.
Write down types of bank customers.
Write stages of evolution of bank.
Write the names of development banks.
Write two reasons for opening an account in bank

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