Saturday 14 May 2016

Guess paper 2nd Year Math 2016

--( 2nd Year Math 2016 )--
ex 1.1 : 3,4,8,9
ex 1.2 : 1 (i) (v) , 2 (iii),(iv),3 (i),(ii)
ex 1.3 : 2 (i),(vi),(vii),(viii),(ix) ,3 (ii),(iv),(v),(x),(xi),(xii), 4 (iv),(vi),(x)
ex 1.4 : 1(ii),2,4,5,6
ex 2.1 : 1 (i),(ii),(viii),(ix),(x),2(ii)
ex 2.3 : 3,6,11,16,17
ex 2.4 : 1(ii),2 (i),(iv),(v),3,4,(i),(ii)
ex 2.5 : 1(iv),(vii),2(ii),(iv),3,6,7,8,9,10(ii),(iii),(vi),11,12
ex 2.6 : 1(i),(viii),2 (ii)(iii)(x)(xii),(xiii),3(ii),(iii),(vi)
ex 2.7 : 3(iv),(v),4(i)(iii),5,5
ex 2.9 : 1 (i),(ii),2(ii),(iii),(v),4
ex 2.8 : 1(i)(ii)(iv),2
ex 3.1 : 1 (iii),2 (ii)(iv),3 (iii),(iv),4
ex 3.2 : 1(ii),(iii),(viii),(ix),2 (xiv)
ex 3.3 : 1,3,7,8,12,16,19,20,22
ex 3.4 : 1 (i),(ii),(vi)(xiv)(xix),2 (i),(ii),(viii),4(i),(iii),(iv),5(ix),(x)(xi)
ex 3.5 : 6
ex 3.6 : 3,10,13,14,16,21,22,24,27,29,30
ex 3.7 : 1,5,11,12,13
ex 3.8 : 1(v),3,6,7,10,12,15,17,18,19,20
ex 4.1 : 4,6,7,14,15,17,18
ex 4.2 : 3 (i)(iv),4(i)
ex 4.3 : 2,4,5,,9,10,11,13,15,21,23,24,25,26
ex 4.4 : 2,5,7,15
ex 4.5 : 2,4,7,9
ex 5.1 : 1
ex 5.3 : 2,4,5,6
ex 6.1 : 1,2,3,4(i),7,8
ex 6.2 : 1,3,4,8(i)(ii)
ex 6.3 : 1,2,3
ex 6.4 : 1 (v),(vi),(viii),(ix)(x),2(i),(iii)(iv)(viii)
ex 6.5 : 1
ex 6.6 : 1 (i)(ii)(v)(viii),2(ii),(iv)(ii)(iii)(x)
ex 6.7 : 1,3(i),5,4,8(ii)
ex 7.1 : 5,6,9,15
ex 7.2 : 2,4,5,7,8,9,10,11
ex 7.3 : 2,3,6,8,9,10,11
ex 7.4 : 3,4,5,6,7,8
ex 7.5 : 1,3,4,6,7,10,11,12,15
EXAMPLES : PAGE NO ( 2,9,10,19,22,23,45,56,83,86,87,121,129,132,139,142,143,157,159,161,173,183,202,206,214,219,251,262,277,288,296,341,346,349,356,362,364
DEFINITIONS : (function, identity function,even and odd function, exploit and implict function, limit of a function, continuity, differentiation, maclarum and taylor theorem, increasing and decresing function, stationary and critical function, first and second derivative rule, indefinite integral, differential eqs, types of eq.s of straight line, feasible and objective function, convex region, circle , parabola, ellipse, hyperbola,dot and cross product, unit vectors, ortogonal and parallel vectors, linear programming, scalar tripple product, volume of paralleopiped and tetrahydron

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