Thursday 12 May 2016

Biology Important Long question 2016

2nd year Bio Guess
Ch 15
Osmoregulation different environment,excretion plants,dialysis,liver,formation & concentrators urine,thermoregulation mammals.
Ch 16
Secondary growth,locomotion mammals,plant movements,Exoskeleton,skull,v.columm,sliding.F.model,role of calcium.
Ch 24
Evidences evolution,evolution prokaryote to eukaryote,darwinism,hard weinberg theorem factors
Ch 17
Plant hormones,receptors,nerve impulse,pituitary gland,thyroid gland,adrenal Gland,ovary,comparison nervous & chemical coordination,learning behaviour.
Ch 25
Food chain food web,succession,symbiosis
Ch 18
Sexual repoduction,male & female reproductive system.
Ch 20
Exp of hershey & chase / meselson stahl,replication process,translation.
Ch 19
Moristem,Growth correlation,Embryonic induction
Ch 22
Law of segregation,multiple alleles,RH blood Group,
Ch 21
Cell cycle,prophase I meiosis I
Ch 27
Wild life,fossile fuel,eutrophication

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Biology Important Long Question 2018

2nd year Bio Guess Ch 15 Osmoregulation different environment,excretion plants,dialysis,liver,formation & concentrators urine,thermoregu...