Saturday, 14 May 2016

30 Important questions of Banking 2016

FOR brilliant students...........

Question # 1
Describe the kinds of bank in detail and also discuss different accounts of bank
Question # 2
Describe the evolution of banking with reference to the role played by the goldsmiths and merchants
Write the evolution process of banking
Write the steps involved in the evolution of bank
How a bank can be formed? Discuss its various steps
Discuss the characteristics of a good banking system
Question # 3
Define commercial bank. Explain its functions
Explain the procedure of opening commercial letter of credit.
Explain the hurdles in the way of credit creation by commercial banks
Differentiate between central bank and commercial bank
Question # 4
What is scheduled and non-scheduled bank? Make the difference between them
Differentiate between a scheduled bank and non-scheduled bank
Question # 5
What is procedure of opening current account?
What is the procedure of opening bank account?
Question # 6
What is cash reserve? Discuss various factors which determine the volume of cash reserve.
Question # 7
Explain the process of credit control by state bank
Discuss the qualitative methods of credit control
Discuss the quantitative methods of credit control.
Describe the methods of credit control
Question # 8
What is cheque and explain its characteristics
Write the causes of dishonoring a cheque
On which grounds bank dishonors a cheque? Explain
Write a note on articles and memorandum of associations
Question # 9
Explain the role of importance of central bank
Explain the functions of central bank
Question # 10
Distinguish between central and commercial bank
Differentiate between central bank and commercial bank
Question # 11
Explain the deference between cheque and bill of exchnage
Question # 12
Define monetary policy and explain its objectives
Define monetary policy of central bank and explain its objectives
Question # 13
Define bill of exchange and describe its advantages
Question # 14
How commercial banks play vital role in the economic development of a country? Explain.
Question # 15
Define bank security. Explain the characteristics of a good security
Question # 16
Define clearing house and discuss its advantages
Question # 17
Explain in detail the circumstances under which the relationship between a bank and its customer comes to an end
Question # 18
What are the precautionary measures used by commercial banks while advancing loans? Explain
Explain various kinds of bank loans in terms of time duration.
Question # 19
Described merits and demerits of nationalization of banks
Question # 20
Describe the procedure to get money from ATM
Question # 21
Explain the various methods of issuing currency notes.
Question # 22
What do you know about “foreign currency account”? Discuss its features.
Question # 23
Write a note on industrial development bank of Pakistan.
Question # 24
Compare the different types of bank accounts.
Question # 25
Differentiate between the bill of exchange and promissory note.
Question # 26
Explain the importance if central bank in the economic development of the country
Question # 27
What is the open market operation of the central bank for credit control? Write briefly
Question # 28
Which documents are provided by J.S. Company for opening an account in a bank?
Question # 29
Write down the names of departments of state bank of Pakistan.
Question # 30
Discuss negotiable instruments. Briefly

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