Wednesday 3 August 2016

Write A report On Load shedding

Staff Correspondent, The Daily Star
May 05, 2010.
People living in the city of Lahore are suffering seriously due to load shedding since the beginning of the summer.
It is known to all that load shedding is a burning issue in Pakistan at present. With the beginning of the summer it is increasing day by day. The city people are the worst sufferers of it. They have to face many problems. The students can not concentrate on their studies. The housewives are disturbed while preparing food for the family members. The doctors can not carry on operation in the operation theatre.
Mills and factories remain closed. Ice factories can not produce ice. As a result, the fish traders suffer most because they need ice to preserve fishes. Barisal is famous for hilsa fishes. To export hilsa fishes ice is very necessary for its preservation.
In the city there are some medicine companies. One of the companies is very reputed. But their production is greatly hampered due to load shedding. Some heavy industries can not continue their expected production.
Reports from different areas in the city confirm that load shedding occurs five to eight times every day. The PDB officials said the country now produces 4000 MW of electricity. But the demand is over 6500 MW . This huge gap between the demand and production causes serious load shedding.

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