Tuesday 5 July 2016

FSc ICS MCAT ECAT Physics First Year Chapter 3 Motion and Force Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Notes

FSc ICS MCAT ECAT Physics First Year Chapter 3 Motion and Force Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Notes

Both Bold and Underlined option is correct

1. With the help of velocity-time graph, we can find:

  • Distance
  • Time
  • Velocity
  • Momentum

2. The area under the curve of velocity-time graph gives:

  • Acceleration
  • Velocity
  • Distance
  • Direction

3. If a body is moving with constant velocity of 20 m/s towards North then its acceleration is"

  • 5 m/s(2)
  • 9 m/s(2)
  • 10 m/s(2)
  • Zero

4. The laws of motion shows the relation between:

  • Distance and velocity
  • Displacement and velocity
  • Mass and velocity
  • Force and acceleration

5. Inertia of a body is measured in terms of its:

  • Weight
  • Force
  • Mass
  • Acceleration

6. A force of 100 N acts on a body for 5 seconds, what will be the change in momentum:

  • 20 Ns
  • 500 Ns
  • 100 Ns
  • 1000 Ns

7. Velocity of the projectile at the maximum height attained when projected with velocity vi is:
  • vx = vi sinθ
  • vh = vi cosθ
  • Zero
  • vi

8. A body is falling freely strikes the ground in 5 seconds, distance covered by it in 5 second is:
  • 122.5 m
  • 25 m
  • 24.5 m
  • 34.5 m

9. The total time for which the projectile remains in air is called:
  • Time of projectile
  • Time period
  • Time of flight
  • Time constant

10. The angle of projection to cover maximum horizontal range is:
  • 90
  • 120
  • 18
  • 45

11. The ballistic missiles are useful only for:
  • Long range
  • Vertical range
  • Short range
  • Normal range

12. When there is no loss of K.E and momentum then the collision is called:
  • Elastic collision
  • In-elastic collision
  • Inertial collision
  • None of these

13. The horizontal component of a projectile moving with initial velocity 200 m/s at an angle of 60 to x-axis is:
  • 100 m/s
  • 250 m/s
  • 50 m/s
  • 200 m/s

14. A ball is dropped from a height of 4.2 meters. To what height will it rise of there is no loss of K.E. after rebounding?
  • 4.2 m
  • 8.4 m
  • 12.6 m
  • None of these

15. The dimension of linear inertia is:
  • MLT(2)
  • ML(0)T(-2)
  • ML(0)T(0)
  • MLT(-1)

16. A body of mass 5 kg is acted upon by a constant force of 20 N for 7 seconds. The total change in momentum will be:
  • 10 Ns
  • 100 Ns
  • 140 Ns
  • 200 Ns

17. The magnitude of the force producing an acceleration of 10 m/s(2) in a body of mass 0.5 kg is:
  • 3 N
  • 4 N
  • 5 N
  • 6 N

18. A certain force gives an acceleration of 4m/s(2) to a body of mass 10 kg. The same force would give a 20 kg object an acceleration of:
  • 0.5 m/s(2)
  • 2.0 m/s(2)
  • 1.5 m/s(2)
  • 9.8 m/s(2)

19. One newton is a force that produces an acceleration of 5 m/s(2) in a body of mass:
  • 0.2 kg
  • 3 kg
  • 4 kg
  • 8 kg

20. A body is thrown vertically upward with initial velocity of 19.6 m/s. It will reach the height of:
  • 49.2 m
  • 29.4 m
  • 9.8 m
  • 4.9 m

21. If the acceleration of a body is negative, then slope of the velocity-time graph will be:
  • Zero
  • Positive
  • Negative
  • Infinity

22. Acceleration of 2.5 m/s(2) expressed in km/hr(2) is:
  • 324
  • 5.4
  • 5400
  • 32400

23. A body starting from rest covers a distance of 45 km and acquires a velocity of 100 km/hr. Its acceleration will be:
  • 0.092 m/s(2)
  • 0.8 m/s(2)
  • 7.71 m/s(2)
  • 0.15 m/s(2)

24. A force of 50 N acts on a body for 0.01 sec and changes its velocity from 5 m/s to 10 m/s/. The amount of impulse will be:
  • 100 Ns
  • 250 Ns
  • 10 Ns
  • 5 Ns

25. Two fast moving vehicles suffer head-on collision with a force of 1000 N for an interval of 10(-1) seconds. The impulse is:
  • 10(-1) Ns
  • 1 Ns
  • 10(-3) Ns
  • 10(5) Ns

26. Range of the projectile is the same for the following pair of angles:
  • 0 and 45
  • 35 and 55
  • 15 and 60
  • 30 and 75

27. A body is moving with a velocity v in the east direction. If it travels with the same velocity in the north direction, then resultant velocity is:
  • v
  • 2v
  • v/(2)
  • (2v)

28. If displacement of a particle is zero, the distance covered:
  • must be zero
  • may or may not be zero
  • cannot be zero
  • depends upon the particle

29. A body moves 4 m towards east and then 3 m north. The displacement and distance covered by the body are:
  • 7m, 6m
  • 6m, 5m
  • 5m, 7m
  • 4m, 3m

30. A moving body is covering the distance directly proportional to the square of the time. The acceleration of the body is:
  • Increasing
  • Decreasing
  • Zero
  • Constant

31. A body covered a distance of 5 m along a semicircular path. The ratio of distance to displacement is:
  • 11 : 7
  • 12 : 5
  • 8 : 3
  • 7 : 5

32. Which of the following changes when a particle is moving with uniform velocity:
  • Speed
  • Velocity
  • Acceleration
  • Position vector

33. If R is the maximum horizontal range of a particle, then the greatest height attained by it is:
  • R
  • 2R
  • R / 2
  • R / 4

34. A stone is just released from the window of a train moving along a horizontal straight track. The stone will hit the ground following a:
  • Straight line path
  • Circular path
  • Parabolic path
  • Hyperbolic path

35. If the time of flight of a projectile is doubled, what happens to the maximum height attained?
  • Halved
  • Remains unchanged
  • Doubled
  • Becomes four times

36. A 10 N force is applied on a body which produces in it an acceleration of 1 m/s(2). The mass of the body is:
  • 10 kg
  • 5 kg
  • 15 kg
  • 20 kg

37. Which of the following change when a particle is moving with uniform velocity:
  • Speed
  • Velocity
  • Acceleration
  • Position vector

38. The numerical ratio of velocity to speed is:
  • Less than 1
  • Less than 0
  • Greater than 1
  • Either less than or equal to one

39. A moving particle finally comes to rest. What will be the angle between acceleration and displacement during motion?
  • π / 2
  • π / 4
  • π
  • 0

40. The gradient of the velocity time graph represents:
  • Speed
  • Acceleration
  • Distance
  • Velocity

41. A body of 2 kg moves with an acceleration of 20 m/s. Its rate of change of momentum is:
  • 10 kgm/s(2)
  • 20 kgm/s(2)
  • 40 kgm/s(2)
  • 400 kgm/s(2)

42. A bullet of mass 'm' is fired with a velocity V into a block mass M and sticks to it. The final velocity of the system is:
  • mV / M
  • mV / (m + M)
  • MV / m
  • (m+M)V / m

43. A projectile is thrown at an angle of 45 with horizontal. If K is the K.E with which the projectile was thrown, then the K.E at the top of the trajectory is:
  • 2K
  • 4K
  • K / 2
  • K / 4

44. At the top of the trajectory of a projectile, the direction of its velocity and acceleration and:
  • Perpendicular to each other
  • Parallel to each other
  • Inclined at an angle 45 of to the horizontal
  • None of the above is correct

45. A ball weight 0.5 N is thrown vertically upward. The ball returns to the ground in 4s, then the impulse of the ball is:
  • 1 Ns
  • 2 Ns
  • 4 Ns
  • 20 Ns

46. If m is the mass of the gases ejected per second with velocity v relative to the rocket of mass M, then the up thrust acting on the rocket is:
  • mv
  • mv / M
  • Mv / m
  • Mmv

47. A projectile will cover same horizontal distance when the initial angles of projection are:
  • 20, 60
  • 20, 50
  • 20, 40
  • 20, 70

48. At what angle with horizontal should a ball be thrown so that its range R is related to the time of flight as R = 5 T(2) (Take g = 10 m/s(2))
  • 30
  • 45
  • 60
  • 90

49. During projectile motion, the quantities that remains unchanged are:
  • Force and vertical velocity
  • Acceleration and horizontal velocity
  • Kinetic energy and acceleration
  • Acceleration and momentum

50. A trolley runs down a slope from rest with constant acceleration. In the first second, it travels 1.6 m. its acceleration is:
  • 0.8 m/s(2)
  • 1.6 m/s(2)
  • 3.2 m/s(2)
  • 6.4 m/s(2)

51. There are three Newton's laws of motion. We can drive:
  • Second and third from first law
  • Third and first laws from second
  • First and second from third law
  • All laws are independent of each other

52. A shell in flight explodes into four unequal parts. Which of the following is given by:
  • Momentum and K.E
  • Momentum and total energy
  • K.E
  • Neither momentum nor K.E

53. The acceleration of a body sliding down a smooth inclined plane is given by:
  • g sinθ
  • μ cosθ
  • g(sinθ + μ cosθ)
  • g(sinθ - μ cosθ)

54. The string of a vibrating pendulum is cut when it is at extreme position. The bob will follow a:
  • Vertical path
  • Horizontal path
  • Parabolic path
  • Circular path

55. The numerical value of the ratio of displacement to distance is:
  • Always less than one
  • Always equal to one
  • Always more than one
  • Equal to or less than one

56. Two bodies are projected at angle 'angle' and (90-angle) to the horizontal with the same speed the ratio of their times of flight T1 / T2 is:
  • 1 : 1
  • 1 : tanθ
  • tanθ : 1
  • None of these

57. The magnitude of a average velocity is equal to the average speed when a particle moves:
  • on a curve path
  • in the same direction
  • with constant acceleration
  • with constant retardation

58. A body is imparted motion from rest to move in a straight line. It is then obstructed by an opposite force, then:
  • the body may necessarily change direction
  • the body is sure to slow down
  • the body will necessarily continue to move in the same direction at the same speed
  • none of the above

59. The distance traveled by a body falling freely from rest in the first, second and third seconds are in the ratio:
  • 1 : 2 : 3
  • 1 : 3 : 5
  • 1 : 4 : 9
  • None of these

60. Which of the following four statements is false?
  • A body can have zero velocity and still be accelerated
  • A body can have a constant velocity and still have a varying speed
  • A body can have a constant speed and still have a varying velocity
  • The direction of the velocity of a body can change when its acceleration is constant

61. If an iron ball and a wooden ball of the same radius are released from a height h in a vacuum, then time taken by both of them to reach ground will be:
  • Unequal
  • Exactly equal
  • Roughly equal
  • Zero

62. The angle between instantaneous displacement and acceleration during the retarded motion is:
  • 180
  • 40
  • 45
  • 0

63. A fighter plane is chasing another plane, when it opens fire its speed.
  • Increases
  • Decreases
  • Remains same
  • It stops

64. During the projectile motion, the horizontal component of velocity.
  • Changes with time
  • Becomes zero
  • Remains constant
  • Increase with time

65. Newton's first law of motion gives definition of:
  • Mass
  • Force
  • Acceleration
  • Speed

66. The acceleration of projectile at the highest point is:
  • Zero
  • Increases
  • Decreases
  • Constant

67. Change of momentum is called:
  • Force
  • Pressure
  • Impulse
  • Tension

68. For a projectile, the ratio of maximum height reached to the square of flight time is:
  • 5 : 4
  • 5 : 2
  • 5 : 1
  • 10 : 1

69. A body is dropped from a tower with zero velocity reaches ground in 4 seconds. The height of the tower is about:
  • 80 m
  • 20 m
  • 160 m
  • 40 m

70. A cricket ball is hit so that it travels straight up in air and it can acquires 3 seconds to reach the maximum height. Its initial velocity is:
  • 10 m/s
  • 15 m/s
  • 29.4 m/s
  • 12.2 m/s

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