Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Physics guess paper long 2016

Inter part 2 Physics Guess Paper….100% insha’Allah!!!
Long Questions:
Gauss’s law and Electric Intensity due to an infinite sheet of charge
Charge On an electron by Millikan’s Method
Resitivity and its dependence on temperature
Kirchoff’s Rules(first and second)
Wheatstone bridge
Rheostat as potential divider
Ampere’s Law
Field due to current carrying solenoid
Force on a moving Charge in magnetic field
e/m of an electron
Motional Emf
Faraday’s law and induced emf
Mutual induction
Self induction
Energy stored in an inductor
Dc motor
Ac through Resistor
AC through capacitor
Ac through inductor
R-C and R-L series circuit
R-L-C circuit
L-C parallel circuit
Elastic limit and Yield point
Strain energy
Energy band theory
Hystersis loop
Transistor as an amplifier
Transistor as switch
OP-amplifier as a inverting and non-inverting amplifier
OP-Amplifier as comparator and comparator as night switch
Photoelectric effect
Compton’s effect
Gravisson and Germer experiment
Production of X-rays
Population inversion and laser action
Laser and its uses
Mass spectrograph
Mass defect and binding energy
Geiger muller counter
Nuclear fission and chain fission reaction

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