Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Biology Short question guess 2016

BioloGy short questiOn guess

Write about Turner’s syndrome
Causes delay leaf senescence in a few species.
Characterize collenchyma cells.
Characterize littoral zone of fresh water lakes.
Compare allele with multiple alleles.
Compare euchromatin with heterochromatin.
Compare monohybrids with dihybrids.
Compare osmoconformers and osmoregulators.
Compare population with community.
Define crossing over and its importance?
Define genetic engineering
Define acid rain and also explain its effects.
Define anhydrobiosis.
Define autecology.
Define biosphere.
Define cell cycle. Draw a eukaryotic cell cycle.
Define commensalism with the help of an example.
Define counter current mechanism.
Define diploid parthenogenesis.
Define food chain and food web.
Define fossils. Where are most of the fossils found?
Define gastrulation in chick.
Define genome and genomic library.
Define geotropism.
Define homeostasis. Give its importance.
Define hybridization. What was its use?
Define karyotype.
Define linkage groups by giving example.
Define meristem, name its types on the basis of position
Define nitrogen fixation.
Define notation
Define parthenogenesis and its various types.
Define population pressure. Give one example of its effect on ecosystem.
Define tactic movements.
Define teratology.
Define the process of ecdysis.
Define the theory of natural selection.
Define true breedings.
Define yrernalisation
Describe animal life of grass land ecosystem.
Describe briefly renewable and non-renewable resources.
Describe causes and symptoms of down’s syndrome
Describe different types of regulations of heat exchange between animals and environment.
Describe food web and give its significance.
Describe membrane invagination hypothesis of eukaryotic cell evolution.
Describe main points of darwin’s theory.
Discuss animal’s life of temperate deciduous forests.
Discuss main types of cartilage.
Elaborate molecular carriers. Give examples.
Enlist non-sense colons and their function.
Explain a tumor.
Give a detailed account of synapse
Explain briefly endosymbiont hypothesis.
Explain ecological niche.
Explain effectors with an example.
Explain haptonastic movements by giving an example.
Explain hematoma formation.
Explain imprinting.
Explain menupause and after birth.
Explain oestrous cycle.
Explain reflex arc.
Explain the process of panting with example
Explain types of nastic movement
Give an account of embryonic induction.
Give an account of phenylketonuria.
Give any functions of liver in relation to homeostasis.
Give at least four ways to conserve energy
Give events of zygotene.
Give the differences between oviparous and viviparous animals.
Give the layering characteristics of grassland.
Give the names of four factors affecting gene frequency.
Give the role and kinds of trna.
Give three possible ways to get the gene of interest.
Give adaptations for terrestrial ecosystem.
Give example of lateral meristem.
Give functions of cytokinins?
Give functions of giber relins?
Give importance’s of mitosis.
How are identical twins different from fraternal twins?
How arthritis arises in joints?
How axons differ from dendron?
How callus is formed?
How can we get the gene of interest?
How can you identify cancer cells?
How do karyokinesis and cytokinesis phases of cell division differ?
How does hypothalamus regulate homeostatic function by feedback mechanism?
How does locomotion take place in earthworm?
How genes can be isolated from chromosomes?
How growth occurs in vascular plants?
How identical twins and fraternal twins are produced?
How is birth controlled by maternal and foetal hormones in human female?
How is gene therapy helpful to cure scid?
How many steps are involved in repairing of broken bones? Also name them.
How prietary tissue is added in primary growth?
How transgenic animals are developed?
How water enters the vacuole ad hence provides mechanical support, turgidity to soft tissues of plant?
In birds the female is heterogametic. How?
Mention the characteristics of plant life in desert ecosystem.
Name the cells associated with bone?
Name the types of cells associated with bones.
Name three zones is Lake Ecosystem.
On what the evolutionary change is based mainly?
Secondary function of gonads is to act as an endocrine gland.
Specify the part of nephror associated with each of the following functions: a. Filtration, b. Reabsorption, c. Secretion
State role of grey vegetal and grey equatorial cytoplast
What are apparent symptoms or effects of browns syndrome?
What are bioreactors?
What are called boreal?
What are calluses?
What are characteristics of spongy bone?
What are flame cells and why are these called so?
What are heat-shock proteins?
What are hinge joints?
What are hydrophytes? What are their important adaptations?
What are lichens and mycorrhizae?
What are linkage groups and give their number in human beings?
What are malpighian tubules?
What are meissner’s corpuscles?
What are nutrient elements?
What are nyetinastic movements?
What are okazaki fragments? Also give the length.
What are osmoconformers?
What are osmoregulators?
What are oviparous?
What are pacinian corpuscles?
What are palindromic sequences?
What are poikilotherms? Give one example.
What are polygenetic traits?
What are producers and consumers?
What are pyrogens?
What are renewable resources? Give an example.
What are sex limited traits?
What are solid waste and how these can be used as source of energy?
What are sources of energy for muscle contraction?
What are tendons?
What are test tube babies?
What are the causes and symptoms of the following diseases: a. Sciatica, b. Arthritis
What are the causes of rapid movement of leaflets of mimosa plant?
What are the endangered species? What measures could be adopted for their preservation?
What are the important signs of old age in human beings?
What are the major adaptations of terrestrial ecosystem?
What are the properties of cancer cells? Differentiate between benign and malignant tumors?
What are the restriction enzymes?
What are the primary goals of human genome project?
What are transgenic organisms?
What are transgenic plants?
What are important features of DNA polymerase iii?
What are uses of abscisic acid?
What are vestigial organs?
Name some important vestigial organs of man.
What biodiversity?
What do you know about habituation?
What do you mean by the replication process?
What do you understand from “rigor mortis”?
What happens during metaphase?
What is a biosphere?
What is a cell suspension culture?
What is anaphase?
What is apomixes?
What is aspartame?
What are biodegradable plastic and its origin?
What is biome?
What is blubber-and in which animals is it found?
What is body’s central metabolic clearing house?
What is cartilage? List the main types of cartilage. A. Define learning behaviour. B. Give an account of habituation.
What is cleavage?
What is climate?
What is composition of air of terrestrial ecosystem?
What is corpus luteum? Give its function.
What is dialyzer?
What is diploid parthenogenesis?
What is epilepsy?
What is extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy?
What is flame cell?
What is function ...

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