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Thursday, 12 May 2016
Biology part 2 Question paper leaked 2016
Biology Short Questions Guess Paper FSC 12th Class 2016
Guess Paper of Biology FSC Part 2 Important Short Questions
Define homeostasis. Give its importance. OR Give any functions of liver in relation to homeostasis.
Explain the process of panting with example.
What is ADH and how does it function?
What is cartilage? List the main types of cartilage. OR Discuss main types of cartilage. OR Differentiate betvVeen hyaline cartilage and fibro cartilage.
Differentiate between passive flight and active flight.
What is rickets? Give its causes. OR What is rickets? Give its treatment.
What are Gastrin and Secretin?
Write symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. OR What are symptoms of Turner’s syndrome? OR What are the causes and symptoms of the following diseases: a. Sciatica, b. Arthritis OR What are apparent symptoms or effects of browns syndrome? OR Describe causes and symptoms of down’s syndrome. OR Give symptoms of aging. OR Write one cause for each of following diseases: a. Kwashiorkor, b. Alzheimer, c. Hemophilia
What are SRY gene? OR What is gene therapy? OR What is a gene pod? OR What is gene pool? OR What is population’s gene pool? OR Give the names of four factors affecting gene frequency. OR What is role of suicide gene in transgenic bacteria? OR How is gene therapy helpful to cure scid? OR How genes can be isolated from chromosomes? OR How can we get the gene of interest? OR Give three possible ways to get the gene of interest. OR How can you calculate recombination frequency between two linked genes? OR Differentiate between gene and gene pool. OR Differentiate between Sanger’s method and Maxarn Gilbert method of Gene Sequencing.
Define Hardy Weinberg Theorem and give its equation in the form of binomial expansion.
Define autecology. OR Differeiate between Autecology and Synecology.
Define commensalism with the help of an example.
How identical twins and fraternal twins are produced? OR How are identical twins different from fraternal twins? OR How identical twins are produced? DNA?
Name the types of plants according to photoperiodism.
Write down at least two important measures to prevent AIDS.
What is primary organizer and inducer substances?
What is the effect of human impact on Tundra Ecosystem? OR Give location of Tundra. Ecosystem in Pakistan.
Characterize littoral zone of fresh water lakes. OR Name three zones is Lake Ecosystem.
What is Acid Rain? OR Define acid rain and also explain its effects.
What are renewable resources? Give an example. OR Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable resources.
What is metastasis and its importance?
What happens during metaphase I? OR What happens during metaphase?
What is pleiotropy and its example? OR Differentiate between epistasis and pleiotropy.
What are linkage groups and give their number in human beings? OR Differentiate between linkage and linkage group.
What are compound sex chromosomes and their example? OR Assign the sex of the human having XO, XXX, XXY and XYY chromosomes. OR What are sex limited traits?
Mention the role of Lambda phage during recombinant DNA technology. OR What are important features of DNA polymerase? OR What is recombinant DNA? OR Give two uses of DNA finger printing.
What is Biodegradable Plastic and its origin?
Differentiate between ectotherms and endotherms.
What are poikilotherms? Give one example.
What are pyrogens?
What are nyetinastic movements? OR Explain two types of Nastic movement.
Characterize collenchyma cells. OR Differentiate sclerechyma from collenchyma cells.
What are the causes of herniation of discuss?
Explain the functions of two hormones secreted by Islets of Langerhans. OR How is birth controlled by maternal and foetal hormones in human female?
What is habituation? Give an example. OR What do you know about habituation?
Differentiate betweep homology and analogy.
Define food chain and food web. OR Differentiate between food chain and food web. OR Describe food web and give its significance.
Explain ecological Niche.
What is Parthenocarpy and example?
What is structure and function of corpus luteum? OR What is corpus luteum? Give its function. OR What are meissner’s corpuscles?
What is gastrocoele and from which germ layer it is originated?
How do final size of cells of cortex and tracheids is attained intone of maturation.
Give the names of the two sheet like layers into which mesoderm splits and name the cavity formed between these.
What is Alkaptonuria and its cause?
Give the role and kinds of tRNA. OR Name types of RNA. OR hat is the function of RNA polymerase in transcription? OR What are the three major claSses of RNA?
What is layering. Give one example. OR Give the layering characteristics of grassland.
Mention the characteristics of plant life in desert ecosystem. OR What type of animal and plant life is present in a desert ecosystem? Also give examples. OR Where is desert ecosystem located in Pakistan? OR What type of plant life is present in desert ecosystem?
What are solid waste and how these can be used as source of energy?
What do you mean by population explosion and give its two causes. OR Define population pressure. Give one example of its effect on ecosystem. OR Compare population with community.
What is mitotic apparatus? Give its function.
Give events of Zygotene.
Give two main importance of meiosis.
What is test cross? Give its uses. OR What is test cross? Why did Mendel devise this cross? OR What is a test cross? Give ito significance.
Define crossing over and its importance?
What are palindromic sequences?
Define genome and genomic library. OR What is genomic library? How can we make a genomic library? OR What are the primary goals of human genome project? OR Differentiate between genome and probe.
What are the uses of PCR amplification and analysis?
What is uremia?
Define homeotberms.
What is lithotripsy? OR What is extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy?
Differentiate between primary and secondary growth in plants. OR Differentiate between short day plants and long day plants. OR Explain eytokinesis in plants. OR What percentage of sun energy reaches to plants? OR Which type of plants are said to etiolate? OR What are transgenic plants? OR How growth occurs in vascular plants?
How prietary tissue is added in primary growth? OR How water enters the vacuole ad hence provides mechanical support, turgidity to soft tissues of plant? OR Differentiate between tissue culture and cloning.
Define embryonic induction. OR Define primary organizer and primary induction. OR Give an account of embryonic induction.
What is genetic drift? OR Define genetic engineering. OR What is genetic code? Quote one example.
Define geotropism.
What are calluses?
Define Nissps Granules
Describe main points of darwin’s theory. OR Define the theory of natural selection. OR State theory of special creati...
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