Tuesday 26 January 2016

Physics Important Long questions 2nd year

Chapter 12
Short questions:
Page Number 16 Last line short question
Example 12.6 page no 27
 Page 13, Page 17 Electrical Potential due to a point charge

Chapter 13

define resistivity and its dependence,Kirchhoff's rule,Wheatstone bridge,Electro Motive force,Potetinal difference


Chapter 14

E/m of electron,Amperes law along the solenoid,Force on moving charge,Galvanometer

Chapter 15

Motional emf,Faraday's law,Lenz law,mutual inductions,transformer,energy store in inductor
Chapter 16
Rc and Rl series circuit
Chapter 18
All gates

1 comment:

  1. Can you publish the short question answers from inside the chp?


Biology Important Long Question 2018

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