Saturday 9 January 2016

Intermediate Stories A Thirsty Crow

A Thirsty Crow

Once Upon A time there was a Crow  Who was Very THIRSTY.HE fLEW HERE AND there in Search of water.But unfortunately,it was a hot day he could not get even a single drop of water in spite of his best efforts.AT LAST HE FLEW in a garden.Though he is much tired with his search but he was relieved To find a jug of water.HE BECAME HAPPY.he went towards it and became disappointed that the water was too low.
He thought a plan.THERE WAS a heap of pebbles nearby.the crow went there,picked the pebbles and dropped them one by one in the jug.the water rose up gradually.he drank water,quenched his thirst and flew away.


No pains ,No gains.

where there is a will,there is a way.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

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