Friday 22 January 2016

Intermediate Stories The friends and Bear

Once ,there lived Two friends Usama and Akram in a village.They had great Love for each Other and were determined to help each other in the hour of need.Unfortunately,they were jobless and one day decided to try their luck somewhere else.So they set off  to the town lying many miles away from their homes.In the meanwhile,they vowed to stand by each other on the way.


To reach the town ,they had to pass through the dense jungle. they Had not gone far when they saw a bear coming towards them.they become frozen with fear.Suddenly usama climbed up the tree.he got himself at a good height leaving his friend helpless.Akram was left alone all his own.he was at its wits ends.he did not know how to climb the tree in no time.Suddenly ,it occurred to him that the bears do not eat dead.An idea flashed into his mind.By lying on the Ground,he pretended to be dead by holding his breath.the bear cam nearer,sniffed him all around and finding no signs of life,went away.


After sometime,usama climbed down and shook akram and told him that danger was over.he also asked amusingly from akram,Dear,what did the bear whispers in your ears".At this akram replied,''the bear has forbidden me to trust a selfish friend".Saying this,he left usama and took his own way.


A Friend is need is a Friend Indeed.

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