Monday 18 January 2016

Intermediate Fsc Ics Fa English Part 2 Short questions Louis pasteur

Q1 Who is the writer of The essay ''Louis Pasteur''?

Answer:: Margaret Avery is the writer of the Essay Louis Pasteur. 

Q2 Describe the early life of Louis Pasteur?

Answer:: Pasteur Belonged To a Humble Family.he lived in a village where from he get his early education.Then he moved to a city and become a famous scientist.

Q3: Give some instances Of Pasteur ?

Answer::Pasteur was a great Patriot.He offered himself to serve in the army.He worked for France in the field of science.He saved the wine and Silk industry Of France.Once he donated all his saving in the welfare of France.

Q4 What do you mean By Spontaneous Generation?

Answer:: Its means that Things change without the external influence.

Q5 How did Pasteur proved the ''Spontaneous Generation''?

Answer:: Pasteur proved that things change because of bacteria.things do not change without external influence.

Q6 RIGHT the role of Pasteur in the curing of silkworms disease in France? 

Answer::: Pasteur advised the readers of the silkworm to avoid over crowding,over heating and unhealthy conditions because these things weakened  them to get disease.

Q7 How did Pasteur discover the cure of Anthrax?

Answer::Pasteur cultivated the germs in such a way that they are weakened.when these germs inoculated into the healthy animals,they produced a mild type of illness.this protects them from different diseases.

Q8 Give an account of Pastures treatment of HydroPhobia?

Answer The First Human disease for which Pasteur inoculation was was a horrible disease caused by the bite of Mad Dog.

Q9 How did Pasteur show the way to other scientist??

Answer :: Pasteur Abolished superstitions about diseases.Diseases and death was mysterious things  .He Found out their causes and brought them to the world of facts.

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