Monday 25 January 2016

English Essay My Favourite Book

Books are really superb source of knowledge and enlightenment. They open
whole world of knowledge to its readers. As it is said that,
The greater our knowledge increases,
The greater our ignorance unfolds

So, by reading books our ignorance diminishes. They soothe us in sorrows
and solace us in sadness Books are invaluable assets for humans. They provide
us Favourite Pastime. It is hobby as well. Most of the people are bibliophile.
They prove to be a sincere company on - in solitude and – Seclusion. There
are hundreds of books in this world. But there are a few one who leave enhancing
and soothing effect on our minds and our perplexed souls. Our character building
mainly depends upon the right selection of the books. Therefore, we should be
very cautious about the selection of Books. As good books leave good and
excellent effect on us. In the same way bad books may Muir our character. So, we
should shun bad books from our life. As,
7“Some books are to be tasted, others to be
Swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested

I have read several book. Though I like many books but my Favourite book
is HOLY QURAN. I am not liked this book only for that reason that it is our
religious books. But I like it because it is a versatile book which include each
and every aspect of life. HOLY QURAN is the last script of Allah Almighty. It
was revealed on our last prophet Hazat Muhammad (S.A.W) approximately
fifteen centuries ago. Since them it remain intact and unharmed. None can alter
or change even a verse of it. Allah Almighty undertook a task of its safety and
security. It is miracle of HOLY QURAN that it can be easily remembered.
Almost Muslims of whole world recite it. I urges the Muslims to ponder over
things and discover new and novel laws of the universe. As,
The thirst for knowledge for riches increases
with the acquisition of it

It consist of thirty chapters, one hundred and fourteen Surrahs and seven
Manzals Surrah Fateha is first surat of Holy Quran. It guides us about each and
every aspect of life. Its teachings are evergreen and eternal. It highlights all
branches of knowledge. It is a complete code of life. As it is said that,
“A book is the only immortality”
It is the ultimate source of knowledge and instruction. An exhaustive
discussion on our religion, politics, ethics, science, philosophy, psychology,
economy and nature is the subject matter of HOLY QURAN. It includes all laws
and ways to solve our problems. The Holy Quran is matchless in its structure,
origin and poetry. Its is a books of grandiose language that can never be
composed by a human being. As Holy Quran says.
“If you have a power bring just one verse like it”
The Holy Quran gives us a message of piety, honesty and truthfulness. It
contains mere truths and realities. It guides us a right path and advise us to follow
those people who were leading a right path. It provides concrete foundation for
cultured and civilised society. It ends discrimination on the basis of race, colour
and nation. The honoured and successful are those who are virtuous. All are
offspring of Adam. All are equal. No one is superior to other. Their honesty,
business and morality is the subject matter of Holy Quran.
“Laws die, books never”
I daily recite Holy Quran early in the morning. I revised my life altogether.
it purifies our my life and spiritualists my soul. It has a tremendous effect on me.
I realised all of my vices and wicked deeds in my dealing. I also do penance.
May Allah take pity on me and May. He grant me a power to fight against sins.
PrePared By
Sir Waqar (Msc Chemistry)
Sun rise Model High School

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