Sunday 24 January 2016

Basic Chemistry Definations

Acid Rain:

Acid rain is formed by dissolving acidic air Pollutants such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen DI oxide by By rain water.

Acidic salts ::
Acidic salts are formed by partial replacement of  H+ ion of an acid by a positive metal ion.

alkanes are the simplest hydrocarbons in which carbon atoms are attached to other atoms by single bond.

Alkenes are the hydrocarbons having double bond .

Alkyl Radicals::
they are the derivatives of alkanes.They are formed by the removal of one hydrogen atom from the alkane molecule.
Alkynes are the hydrocarbons having triple bond in their structure. 
Amino acids::
Amino acids are the organic compounds having both carbooxyl and amino group.
Ammonical Liquor::
it is a solution of ammonia gas in water. Amphoteric::
amphoteric are those substances which behave both like acid as well as base.
Basic salts::
they are formed by the incomplete neutrlization.  

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