Monday 12 June 2017

Interview With Abdul Rafay The Topper Of Mcat 2016

Mcat is battel for every student ,But getting 1000+ marks is perhaps more than it.But in 2016 More than 1000 students got 1000+ marks,thats was the reason the merit of mcat increased to 3 % in 2016 In Pakistan.
Did You Know About Abdul Rafay Who did His F.s.c From Fazaia  Inter college Lahore.He got his admission in Punjab Medical College Faislabad.He got 952 marks in the fsc examination and 1013 marks in MCAT and aggregate is 89.8541%.

I am Admin Of examssolution 
Abdul rafay is front of me we are going to take an interview of him regarding MCAT.

1. Did You Prepare For MCAT at Level?

Rafay: During fsc you cant prepare yourself for mcat examination.AS you were in the Fsc clear all your concepts because many students take extra mcat classes to crystal clear their fsc concepts. All the students of Punjab board , A level and O A level must clear their concepts because its very important for your good score in mcat examination.
2.Is joining A acadmy is best?
The second question is asked by Muhammad faisal "what you think that joining a academy is best for mcat"? 
Rafay : The simple answer is yes you have to join the academy at any cost.

3.Which Portion should Be done first?

this is a common question many people ask the same question But its on your choice.Every person has its own likes and dislikes.But during My Mcat examination I follow the Pattren Given by Kips Chemistry,Physics, English and Biology.Every one choose according to its will But your concentration will be always on your mcqs.Do not think that  you have to do a lot of work.

4.What was Your study Plan?

Rafay : I study for 2 hours then take a short break of 10 minutes to relax my self and my mind.I repeat and revise the things which i have studied in the 2 hours in this way i done a lot of work at home without any help and helpers.

5. What are the Standard Books For Mcat.

Rafay : the Standard Books are Punjab Text Books read them and prepare yourself for mcat.You would take help from Kips books,Mcqs series Books.Mostly Mcat paper setter Takes lines from the punjab text books only a few questions asked other then books. So I suggests you to study Punjab Text Books.

6. reasons Behind Getting 1013 Marks In Mcat?

once is are trying to parrot fashion (ratta) at everything.But In mcat its not important you can get good marks only if you have clear your concepts.

Clear your concepts and try to self write the topics.

You must control your nervous pressure.



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