Sunday 27 March 2016

Types of Poems

There are many different types of poems. The difference between each type is based on the format, rhyme, scheme and subject matter. Following are a few forms.

Elegy:     A lyric poem that laments the dead. An explicitly identified elegy is W.H. Auden’s “In memory of William Butler Yeats” and his “Funeral Blues”
Open form/Free verse:    A type of structure or form in poetry characterized by freedom from regularity and consistency in such elements as rhyme, line length, metrical pattern, and overall poetic structure.
Sonnet:    A fourteen-line poem. The Shakespearean or English sonnet is arranged as three quatrains and a final couplet, rhyming abab cdcd efef gg. The Petrarchan or Italian sonnet divides into two parts: an eight-line octave and a six-line sestet, rhyming abba abba cde cde or abba abba cd cd cd.
Octave:    An eight-line unit, which may constitute a stanza; or a section of a poem, as in the octave of a sonnet.
Ode:    A long, stately poem in stanzas of varied length, meter and form. It is usually a serious poem on a exalted subject.
Ballad:    A narrative poem written in four-line stanzas; characterized by swift action and narrated in a direct style.
Epic:    A long narrative poem that records the adventures of a hero.
Epigram:    A brief witty poem, often satirical.
Lyric poem:    A type of poem characterized by brevity, compression, and the expression of feeling.
Narrative Poem:    A poem that tells a story.
Haiku:    Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry which is composed of three non rhyming lines.

                                                      Poets on Poetry:

Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility. (William Wordsworth)
Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal. (T.S. Eliot)

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